No offense to all those I just unfollowed.
Thing is -- I never actually started following a single one of you. Either I was hacked (unlikely), or booklikes subscribed me to you automatically for whatever reason. I freaked and dropped pretty much everyone off my list; feel free to do the same.
Seriously, though, booklikes? NOT COOL. I'm still kinda creeped out.
Still need to formulate a response. Some books, when they end, are like good friends departed. This one's on a journey and will return with the final book of the series, but even so, I'll need some time to think before I can write a proper review.
I'm not sure whether to give four or five stars.
While TWMF did not suck me in as deeply as TNotW did, it did so more quickly.
I'm looking forward to re-reading it in time.
I felt that Kvothe's tale is a little more self-indulgent than it was before, but even so, I enjoyed it a lot.
Seyonne's martyrium continues. Boy, does Berg enjoy seeing him suffer.
Liked the new characters (many brownie points for Balthar being something completely different from what I expected) and the way we learn more about demons, Ezzarians, and the world as a whole.
The book would've earned a solid 3/5 if not for the overly lengthy (I felt) passages of despair and confusion in the middle of the narrative. Not as strong as Transformation, but I'll continue to read-- interested to see what Restoration has in store for the characters.